How to avoid Z-fighting when using Deferred Decal?

Is there a way to avoid Z-fighting when using Deferred Decal? Since I need the decals as thin as possible in order to not be overlapped with other surfaces, they just kept fading out when the camera was far away from the model.

Not sure if this will be helpful but instead of making your decal super thin, which I think might be the cause of your issue, is to select what you dont want the decal to be applied to and under Rendering turn off Recieve Decals

Taken from:

If this isnt what you had in mind you could use smaller decals with a world coordinate texture and a world offset to apply the Material with multiple decals over the same surface.

What you need though is for the decal surface to be further above the surface its being applied to, thats why youre getting the z fighting obviously, it doesnt have to be far a few more uu should suffice.