How to avoid stuttering when using Async()?

I am experiencing some frame stuttering when I call an asynchronous execution that I have defined in a CPP pathfinding class. There is no rush for this code to execute, so I am executing it in the LargeThreadPool. Despite this, I am still getting stuttering when I call the function inside of blueprints. I am using a delegate to broadcast to the blueprint when the path has been found. Here is the CPP code for the asynchronous call.

Here is where I am calling the function in blueprints.

If anyone has any recommendations I would appreciate it.

I found the answer. I am passing the grid data by value and not reference, which was causing a lot of overhead. If you are using Async, I recommend double checking for best CPP practices. Here is the revised ASync function (Note that you have to make the array const as well, otherwise blueprints will think your reference parameter is an output).