How to avoid smooth landscape blend?

I’m trying to make my landscape layer to not blend with transparency but more like a broken up blend without a smooth transition is there away to achieve this? I looked all over and can’t find any examples.
I used a heightmap and heatmaps to layer the terrian with textures but I have this unfortunate transparent really smooth blend which I want the opposite. I’m open for suggestions.

As you can see the Grass and Gravel are mixed in with each other unfortunately.

This is what I’m working on the transparent blend from a distance is not visible.

My blueprint for the imported heatmaps for the terrain.

Hi there!

try this:

Sometimes at my Terrain i have to delete the ground that i dont want. It seems, that you paint over the other layer. But this don’t delete the other one. So you have to make sure, that you only paint one layer. Over the brush Setting you can choose the hardeness of the brush.

Hope this helps.