Hey, recently I was struggling to test my networked game logic. And I really liked how “Sea of Thieves” developers designed their own system to test. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=X673tOi8pU8)
Naturally, I tried to use Gauntlet but I’m confused! I can not find any documentation shows me how to write a testing code, actually I even didn’t understand how it actually works. I attempt to copy code of Lyra to make my own C# solution:
using EpicGame;
using Gauntlet;
namespace HarvestedTest
public class Bootla : EpicGameTestNode<HarvestedTestConfig>
public Bootla(UnrealTestContext InContext) : base(InContext)
public override HarvestedTestConfig GetConfiguration()
var config = base.GetConfiguration();
config.NoMCP = true;
var client = config.RequireRole(UnrealTargetRole.Client);
return config;
Also corresponding HarvestedTestControllerBootla.h
#pragma once
#include "GauntletTestControllerBootTest.h"
#include "HarvestedTestControllerBootla.generated.h"
class UHarvestedTestControllerBootla : public UGauntletTestControllerBootTest
const double TestDelay = 20.f;
virtual bool IsBootProcessComplete() const override;
But I think when I run this line
RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -project=ElementalDemo -platform=Win64 -configuration=Development -build -cook -pak -stage
RunUAT RunUnreal -project=C:\Users\mek\Documents\UnrealEngine\Harvested\Harvested.uproject -platform=Win64 -configuration=Development -build=local -test=Harvestd.BootTest
it simply do not find my test. In anyway I didn’t understand anything.
- Is Gauntlet my only way for network integration tests?
- If yes, how could I setup and start use gauntlet?
- Also does it make sense to test network? It seems like very time consuming.