I’m making a VR game where the player can pick up destructables/geometry collections and throw them to break. The problem I’m having is, I can pick up a static mesh no problem, but when I try to pick up the geometry collection, nothing happens (it doesn’t get attached). Here is the code I’m using to attach the item:
void APlayerCharacter::GrabItemImplementation(EControllerHand controllerHand, AGrabbableItem* grabbedItem)
//Only reset the component state if wit is being picked up with no hands currently touching it.
UPrimitiveComponent* grabbedPrimitiveComponent = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(grabbedItem->FindGrabbableRootComponent());
if (grabbedPrimitiveComponent != NULL)
//Do hand specific stuff for left or right hand.
if (controllerHand == EControllerHand::Left)
myLeftHandGrabbedPrimitiveComponent = grabbedPrimitiveComponent;
grabbedPrimitiveComponent->AttachToComponent(myLeftHandMesh, FAttachmentTransformRules(EAttachmentRule::KeepWorld, false));
myRightHandGrabbedPrimitiveComponent = grabbedPrimitiveComponent;
grabbedPrimitiveComponent->AttachToComponent(myRightHandMesh, FAttachmentTransformRules(EAttachmentRule::KeepWorld, false));
So I’m thinking of ways to do it:
I just use static mesh’s all the way, then when the static mesh is hit with enough force; I hide the static mesh and swap it with the breaking Geometry Collection (which would be detaching from the player since they cant hold a Geometry Collection ). This should make it look like the item “broke” and the player shouldn’t notice.
I could try to make a new class like KatianieDestructable that inherits from Geometry Collection. It would have all the code from Geometry Collection and I can add some code from static mesh component. The problem with this one is its a large code change with engine level physics code I’m not familiar with. On the surface it seems like it should be possible to use the static mesh inside the destructible(since the destructible needs to know about its original mesh which is a static mesh). However it might not be worth it.
I fake it hard; I take the item and every frame update its position to follow the hand as long as the player is gripping it (holding down the trigger). I don’t think this will work though because if you hit something with the item it will go flying so you are not really “holding” it. In other words, it wont feel right to the player.
Probably going to try #1 first in the meantime.