How to attach a VR Pawn to an Actor


I have to attach a VR Pawn to a movable platform. I tried the “attach to” node inside the platform actor without any succes. (I’m an artist not a programmer. sry for that easy question) :slight_smile:

This can be tricky because the VR Pawn doesn’t have a “body” nor a collision capsule and does not have a character movement component either. You can try something like this:

  • add a collision volume to your pawn (e.g. attached to the root or to the VR camera)
  • enable the volume generate overlap events
  • detect when the Pawn gets on the platform by detecting the Begin Overlap Event with a collision volume on the platform actor → set a boolean variable to register the fact the pawn is now on the platform (e.g. IsOnPlatform). This can be trick if your Pawn only has a teleport type of movement.
  • on Event Tick, check the boolean variable IsOnPlatform and, if true, move the pawn by the same movement the platform had over the last tick
  • if the Pawn gets off the platform (again, tricky if you only have tele transport type of movement), then set the IsOnPlatform to false

Thanks for your answer! :slight_smile: