How to associate .uproject files in ue4

Hi All

I’ve formatted my system few days and I’ve installed ue4 4.9 by epic games launcher and having some previous ue4 source code installed in my problem I’ve tried associating project files by double clicking Engine->Binaries->Win64->UnrealVersionSelector-shipping.exe but still my project files are not associated with ue4 can anyone help me for past few days I got stuck with this problem. After associating I can work my project can anyone pls help me with this issue.


Hi Game Programmer,

To associate a project with a newer engine version, right click on the .uproject file and choose Switch Unreal Engine Version. From there, you can select version you want to use. Hope that helps!

Hi my problem is.uproject file is not showing u icon so I cannot able to generate visual studio files or switch unreal version please help me I need to change it to U icon for that only I’ve tried associating files by double clicking on Engine->binaries->win64->unreal version selector win64 shipping.exe file still my uproject is not showing u icon. I need to change my uproject to U icon for generating visual studio files and converting project.

Hi I need to change my .uproject file to a U icon then only I can generate visual studio files and start working please help me.


Hey Game Programmer-

What does the .uproject icon look like? Can you post a screenshot of Properties menu for the .uproject? In properties window, are you able to click the “Change” button next to “Opens with” and select Unreal Engine?


Hi I took screenshot of .uproject file in an unsupported file it is looking like below image when I right click it is not having any options like switch Unreal engine or generate visual studio files!. I’ve posted another screenshot after right clicking the .uproject file also please check that image too.

I’m having another doubt regarding your previous comment :
In properties window, are you able to click the “Change” button next to “Opens with” and select Unreal Engine?
What I should select either UE4Editor.exe or Unreal Engine Version Selector-win64 shipping.exe. I got confused here .


I would try UE4Editor.exe first and if that doesn’t work then you can try other. Additionally, you can try opening Unreal Engine Launcher and finding project in Library tab. Right click on project and clone it to a new location. Let us know if cloned project has same issue with its .uproject.

Hi I’ve tried cloning project and still I’m having a problem I’ve converted my project by launcher but still my .uproject file remains same as like above image. Is there any other way to solve this problem.


Do all of your UE projects have this issue or is it specific to this project? Are you able to create and open a new project or does the .uproject file have same problem? Looking at screenshots again, can you try to add .uproject after “SEG” in properties windows?

Hi today I tried opening a new project in launcher. In that new project visual studio files automatically generated. But if I right click .uproject file in new project still I’m not getting generate visual studio files and switch unreal version engine options not showing. One more thing I forgot to tell you that everytime I open a launcher it is displaying a msg as " Some of uproject files are not associated would you like to fix them". Each and every time I’m pressing option fix now still the .uproject files are not associated. What might be problem ??


Are you able to select engine if you right click on uproject and choose Open With? Also, can you try to manually rename project and add .uproject to name? This may change file type appropriately and allow it to be opened in editor.

I cannot able to select engine after right clicking uproject and choose Open with option and I manually tried renaming project also still uproject file is not associated.

Can you try creating a new project and let me know if it has same problem with the .uproject file? Since none of other suggestions have helped, can you also try uninstalling engine version and re-installing it again?

Hi in new project also the .uproject file is having same issue. I’ll try uninstalling and reinstalling engine again and I’ll let you know.


Hey Game Programmer-

Were you able to reinstall engine to see if that helped with issue you were having? You originally mentioned 4.9, are you able to install a different version and create a code project? If you download the . from GitHub are you able to build source version of engine and create a project? Let me know if you have any updates to your issue.


Hi Game Programmer,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.

FYI…I ran into this same problem and I just had to update file association to use this executable in my Unreal Engine project.


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Thanks rcdarcey, this worked for me too.

Good to hear! Strangely, I eventually somehow lost right click options. Not sure how or why…but yeah, hopefully this sticks for you! It did for me for a couple of months.

Looking at source (UnrealVersionSelector.cpp) it looks like you can setup the .uproject file associations by running this as administrator:

UnrealVersionSelector.exe /fileassociations
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