Tried this, but got attached error
Managed to get around this error by running cmd as admin…but still no right click menu :’(
Hi All!
Today I have this problem with file association .uproject and context menu.
Previous post don’t help me and Launcher also
I fix this problem throgh regedit.exe
You need correct set path to UnrealVersionSelector.exe
I create UnrealVersionSelector_fix.reg file and SET YOU PATH for UnrealVersionSelector.exe than execute
See file in attachment
I hope this will help those who are faced with this problem.)
I might not be understanding, but it looks like everything’s setup correctly for me in RegEdit and I’m still having problems. All the “commands” reference proper executable.
Hey rcdarcey-
What problems are you still having? Can you provide information about what exactly you’re trying to accomplish and what you’ve done so far?
Thanks, ! I lost right click menu on my .uproject files file associations seem to be setup just fine. Not to mention, right click menu did work at one point. Not exactly sure what I did to break it.
When you right click the .uproject no window appears at all, is that correct? If you are getting a window of some kind can you take a screenshot and send it? Does menu appear for other folders/files inside project directory?
Are you using a binary engine (from launcher) or a source built version of engine? If you are using engine from source, can you make sure that UnrealVersionSelector was built along with engine? Also, it appears that project from your screenshot is saved inside folder where your engine exists, do you have same issue for projects saved outside of engine folder?
Sorry, my file naming is bad. This is actual folder structure.
So, my project is outside of engine folder.
I’m using source built version of engine and can verify that UnrealVersionSelector is built. That’s also executable that’s associated with .uproject files right now.
Like I said earlier…this used to work with current file structure. I’m not sure what broke it. You think it could have to do with fact that I’m now junctioning some directories over to an SSD?
I don’t have a way to test that on my end so it is a possibility. Looking at latest screenshot again, I’m curious what the “What is locking this file?” is. What happens when you select this option?
That’s just an extremely useful utility called Lockhunter I’m running UE4 on another machine that utilizes it and right click menu works just fine.
This is a very confusing issue and I’d like to review what has already been tested to make sure we’re on same page and not running same tests again. Let me know which of following methods you’ve tried already or what result you get when trying any new ones:
- Create a blueprint project using your current source engine
- Create a code/blueprint project from binary engine (Launcher) - (if you do have right click issue after this, please also try uninstalling engine from launcher and then reinstall)
- Right click on the .uproject - Select Properties - Click Change across from where it says “Opens with” (let me know if you see Unreal Engine listed more than once in window that appears)
- Also in Properties menu, open Details tab and let me know what is shown for Type
FYI…I think I’ve figured out a fool proof way for re-associating the .uproject files correctly. Though method above worked, at some point I lost association again. If above doesn’t work, try running this command in editor.
See my new comment above in accepted answer for this question. I think I figured out a fool proof way of re-associating files properly.
I don’t know if this is correct, but I solved this copying VersionSelector.exe in Engine/Binaries/Win64 folder of UE4 version I was trying to run, and it worked for me!
I’ve just found a super easy solution:
- Take UnrealVersionSelector.exe from Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64
- Copy it to Engine\Binaries\Win64
- Run and click Yes on prompt “Register this directory as an Unreal Engine installation?”
Voila, it should work.
Hey, that worked for me, thanks!
It works great! Thanks!
Worked, but this seems very evil. My colleague said that you can use Setup.bat to fix association as well. And I looked into Setup.bat there is a section about “Register engine installation…”, it executes UnrealVersionSelector so selector really matters, however I don’t fully understand whole mechanism.