How to approach disabling collisions in certain cases

The scenario I have is basically I have a blueprint object that sticks to other instances of the blueprint object when they touch, creating a chain of this object.

I want to disable collision between the objects that are stuck together in a chain, but not disable collision between two distinct chains of these objects. The issue I’m having with collision channels is that if I set this blueprint to ignore others in of the same type in the collision channel, the two distinct chains will also have disabled collision.

Is this possible? And if so how should I go about it. Here’s an image explaining what I’m trying to do.

Is the possible number of chains infinite?

Maybe you can setup custom profiles like Chain1, Chain2, etc., and create a manager class that will detect creation/destruction of chains and assign respective collision profiles to them?

But the number of custom collision profiles is limited in the engine, so if there can be dozens of chains, this won’t work.