How to apply physics/gravity to a static mesh?

So I’ve been making this game and a key feature of it is destroying blocks and other blocks stacked on top of it will topple over and hit the ground. But, I keep facing this major problem. I can’t make the static meshes (enemies) have gravity applied to them.

Here are the enemies I’m including and their features, if it helps:



Enemy 1: These enemies will spawn on the ground, and will hold up other blocks.

Enemy 2: These enemies will spawn on top of enemy number 1’s, and will topple over when the bottem enemies are
destroyed. (But obviously don’t work because I don’t know how to add gravity, hence this submission)

P.S: My project is in blueprint, by the way.
P.P.S:The enemies are static meshes.

Thank you in advance. --Roboboy258

My overall question was: “How do I add gravity to a static mesh actor?”

Try set Simulate Physics property, also check collisions for an actor…

Thank you that worked!! My enemies are rolling around now, but I’m sure it’s just my gravity settings.
Still thanks a lot!
Also, if you repost the answer as a well, an answer, I can checkmark it.
Thank you!!! --Roboboy258