I have made a character, uv mapped and textured it in blender with one material node. However, there are certain parts of the character which i wish to be metallic. So, what is the best approach to apply metal material to certain parts of my character without creating extra material nodes?
you cant create a metallic part without using more nodes in your material. its akin to asking how do i add script without adding any more code.
in any event you basically have two options: you can either create a texture for the metallic parts which plugs into the metallic pin in the material, or you make the metallic parts their own material. both options can easily be done in blender. if you look at the link below theres a table which lists the colors for the texture based on what metal your trying to achieve. so lets say you wanted a belt buckle to be gold then you would assign the section of the uv where the buckle is to be (Gold (1.000, 0.766, 0.336)) for the rgb values.
Thanks for answering. I have thought of using the metal rgb value but then i would not be able to access the material editor in ue4 to blend it with other material or adjusting the metallic value to create the shiny feeling that a metal has…
Originally, i had more material nodes but i cut it down to one due to performance issues. Am i correct that i have to choose between better looking material or prioritize more on performance here?