How to allow the player to import their own models into the game?

Hello. I am currently working on a game, but this question is not related to it. I just asked myself a question but was unable to answer it. So I decided to turn to more experienced people. It is possible that when I make a multiplayer game in the future, I will use this knowledge. I would like to give the player option to create their own skin and I want people on the server with this person to automatically download this model and be able to see it. If I need an expensive plugin for this, no problem. Thank you in advance.

This plugin will let you import .obj mesh files amongst other things. I’ve found this plugin useful in the past. Hope it helps.

Thank you for your response. I was just looking for something like this. Best wishes.

Can you please help me find games that allow users to import their 3D models? I’m not a developer, but I’ve been browsing the internet and haven’t been able to find any games with this feature. I appreciate your help!

you have games like vr chat and any game really with mod support, as long as you know how to get it into the game then most games today really support this. Another note to take is what is your model style low poly or high. a quick google search can help.

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