How to allow in VR, keyboard input?


Im using VR-template i UE 5.0 and i want to allow the user to copy and paste into a widget with keyboard.

I have a widget with a editable text that i want to allow the user to paste in a URL from a browser. But i cant figure out how to allow in VR to enable keyboard and to allow the mouse
to go to other windows(browser) when the project/game is going.

I have tried the widget in first person template and it works well there. Now i need to basicly enable ctrl+v for the user in VR. Or bind it to a paste button / another key.

I have tried to google around but dont find annything related to what im trying.

Would be appreciated if anyone has suggestions/ answers.

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Hey, Have you been able to find a solution for this? I am attempting to do something similar. Thanks :slight_smile:

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