I Wonder that Solution about adding Widget to Detail Panels.
i’m programming C++ in Visual Studio.
but i cant find a standard tutorial about that.
may i get recomadation about this?
I Wonder that Solution about adding Widget to Detail Panels.
i’m programming C++ in Visual Studio.
but i cant find a standard tutorial about that.
may i get recomadation about this?
Here’s the documentation:
Basically, you need to create an editor-only module or plugin (although it is technically possible to do this in runtime-module but it would be too troublesome to wrap a large chunk of editor code in #if WITH_EDITOR), implements some details customization classes and register them in PropertyEditorModule.
I read that document, but that is not about adding widget to detail panels.
i want to add UI to detail panels, but it wasn’t.
What do you mean by “UI”, is it UMG? if it is then no, but under the hood UMG is using Slate UI, so you can actually create any widget that UMG can make using Slate, you can even create UI elements that is almost impossible to create in UMG.
You can do that with details panel customization, create that particular widget using slate (it’s not trivial but it can be done), and then in CustomizeDetails method of your DetailsCustomization class edit the category “SplineActor” and then add a custom row whose value content is your custom widget.
If it were me I would not put the widget directly in details panel because it is too big, I would create a custom window that can be opened by clicking a button in the details panel, similar to FLinearColor property that has a small button to opens a color wheel window that modifies the value of that property.
may i know tutorial about that? …
just add button to detail panels is okay.
The link that Heapcleaner gave, is the thing you ask basically.
Also, for a reference, you could checkout Editor/DetailCustomizations/Private/CollisionProfileNameCustomization.h and it’s source code. It’s pretty good example to look at. Also, see Editor/DetailCustomizations/Private/DetailCustomizations.cpp (line 224) for a way to assign your custom details panel to a type you want.
I’m not sure tho, if this will work on pointers to UObject deriving classes. Maybe you’ll have to wrap that with a struct.
(I’m using 4.12.4)
i will
thank you a lot
good luck