How to add text blocks on single canvas and then leave them be like damage numbers?

This is the raw code just to test how it should work, but i can’t properly make it that damage numbers wouldn’t stay on the screen so when player moves then damage numbers wouldn’t move:

Useless forums, only one per 50 posts someone actually help, everything else have to figure out on your own when there is 0 documentation, epic should focus on adding documentation and fixing insane amount of stuff they have not for years, as well as improving performance on half released features. For one version of unreal engine just improve these things and not add another half baked experimental feature just to impress people and abandon those features.

If you want the numbers on the screen to follow the player’s movement, you should call the function to get the position every frame. From the code, it seems that your ScreenPosition variable is only updated once. For this kind of UI logic, I suggest writing it in the Blueprint, as it’s very convenient for debugging.