i have a simple line trace weapon set up, esssentially, instead of spawning a projectile, the gun does a line trace and spawns an explosion particle system where the line trace hits. I want the hit actor to react to being shot, similar to how objects move when they collide with a projectile. How do i achieve this? Whenever i try to use the add impulse or add force nodes it tells me that the target needs to be a primitive component, not an actor.
Not all actors have physics. You need to get the MotionController of the Actor and add the impulse to that.
Some actors use a different controller; character; static rotationl; etc. Those may not be affected the way you want by an impulse – depends on the implementation of the controller.
as of now there are no other characters in my game, just a few random cubes. Essentially what i want to do is create a physics collision at the line trace hit location
As I said: Get the motion controller component. Add the impulse to that. If there is no motion controller, don’t add the impulse.
I may have worded the question incorrectly. the way i ended up achieving the result i wanted though was by spawning the first person projectile at the line trace hit locaiton, and in the blue print for the projectile, i set the lifetime to be .75 seconds and got rid of the static mesh but kept the collider and movement component.
Any chance you still have the blueprint you made and are willing to share? I am trying to do the same thing.
theres 3 pictures, not sure why its only showing the third one but yeah, that last yellow part should be in the hit event for the projectile blueprint or else youll get an error if you shoot before it hits somethign
Thank you very much ViceVersa.