How to add a variable to a generated Blueprint?

Hi, I’m wondering if it is possible and if so, how, to add a variable to a generated Blueprint.

Specifically, I’m creating BPs using C++. I want to add variables to the blueprint during the creation process, and then add Get and Set nodes inside the event graph.

  • How do I add a variable to a UBlueprint object?
  • Are there classes like UBlueprintNodeSpawner for variable nodes? (didn’t find any function name for a Get node)

Thanks in advance.

I figured out a workaround that worked for me:

First, I created a blueprint from an Actor using FKismetEditorUtilities::CreateBlueprintFromActor.
Then, I retrieved the BP’s component hierarchy as an array of USCS_Node using Blueprint->SimpleConstructionScript->GetAllNodes().
With this, I could iterate over the components and find the ones I need programmatically. Then, I created UK2Node_VariableGet nodes using UBlueprintNodeSpawner and set their MemberReference.

This is enough to programmatically add Getter nodes to an event graph.

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