I am starting a new project using the VR template because i need it to be setup for HTC Vive. The problem is that i have HTC from time to time but i need to do some test also when i don’t have it with me. So i should be able to work at the project in first person sometimes, and switch back to the VRPawn when HTC is with me. I think the best would be to add in my level a first person character moveable like in the “First Person” template, any idea about how to do that?
I tried to migrate the firstPersonCharacter+FirstPersonGameMode BP to the VR Template and switch, in the world settings, the GameMode Override to “FirstPersonGameMode” but when i play it start anyway from the VRPawn. Same problem if i change it in ProjectSettings/maps and modes/Default Modes.
Any idea about how to solve this problem? thank you a lot in advance!!
Remove the pawn from the map and set default pawn to none, then in game mode on start check if there is an HMD, if there isn’t than spawn the FPS pawn and possess it, otherwise spawn the HMD pawn and possess it.
Unfortunatly i am not so expert and i would need to understand better step by step…I tried to delete the “VRPawn” from the world outliner i placed the “firstPersonCharacter BP” but when i play the game start from the current camera location and there is no way to change it in the play menu…
first of all, Which Pawn i should remove, the “VRPawn” in the world Outliner or the “motion controller Pawn” in the content browser/Content/VirtualRealityBP?
As long as i see, after delete the VRPawn the Default Pawn stay set to none, as when i start the VR Template. I probably miss something…
About the Game mode on start…You mean the level should start automatically depending if HTC is connected or i should manually spawn FPS or HMD?
thank you for your patience, It would be great if you could drive me to a solution! Thank you a lot!!
Look at the latest tutorial video that epic did for the multiplayer template and the VR template, they actually go in and do it themselves as an example in there.
he says, there is a video on youtube LATELY (in 2014) and it is 2 hours long and in one section the developers do it, so you can check how it is done in that video … Go figure…