How to achieve detail on big meshes?

I’m building a lunar base that is about 12x10x4m big and I would like to add some arrows, bolts, handles and such to it, but it seems I have to create really really big UV and texture maps (beyond 4k) for those details to not look mushy.

Is there any way to add detail to a big mesh without having to use giant texture maps? I already tried decals, but they only seem to be visible when the light hits just right and I want those details to just be there independent from light.

Thanks a bunch for any help!

Hi there! There are lots of approaches to make textures smaller while keeping quality. Several that I tried are

  • Tiling. The simplest thing - just tile small texture many many times. This work for homogeneous textures, that can be seamlessly repeat…
  • Filter masks. The idea is to use rather small UV and create special mask texture that store some regions. For example with pure RGB colors (red region, green region and etc) you can separate three regions on UV map. After that for each region you can use separate material with tile, noprmals and so on…
  • In some cases you can just add another small mesh I am rather sure…