How to access USoundWave PCM data in a packaged build

Hey, I cant seem to figure out how to access the PCM data in a packaged build

this works in the editor but fails in a packaged build because SoundWave->GetCompressedData returns NULL

bool InitFromSoundWave(USoundWave* SoundWave)
		if (SoundWave->bProcedural)
			return false;

		if (SoundWave->RawPCMData == NULL)
			FAudioDevice* AudioDevice = GEngine->GetMainAudioDeviceRaw();
			if (AudioDevice)
				EDecompressionType DecompressionType = SoundWave->DecompressionType;
				SoundWave->DecompressionType = DTYPE_Native;

				FName format = AudioDevice->GetRuntimeFormat(SoundWave);

				FByteBulkData* Bulk = SoundWave->GetCompressedData(format, SoundWave->GetPlatformCompressionOverridesForCurrentPlatform());
				if (Bulk)
					if (SoundWave->DecompressionType != DTYPE_RealTime || SoundWave->CachedRealtimeFirstBuffer == nullptr)
						FAsyncAudioDecompress TempDecompress(SoundWave, 128, AudioDevice);

				SoundWave->DecompressionType = DecompressionType;

		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("RawPCMDataSize: %d"), SoundWave->RawPCMDataSize);

		return InitFromShortSamples(TArrayView<SHORT>((SHORT*)SoundWave->RawPCMData, SoundWave->RawPCMDataSize / 2),
			SoundWave->GetSampleRateForCurrentPlatform(), SoundWave->NumChannels);

Does anyone have any ideas for how to access the data in a packaged build?

Solved thanks to Max Hayes,
The data wasnt available because it was being loaded into the Audio Streaming Cache,
setting the SoundWave Loading Behavior Override to ForceInline fixed it.

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