How to access target point from world editor inside AI Behavior Tree task?

Hello, as the question says, I’m trying to access a target point from the world editor in my AI’s behavior tree so i can get him to effectively patrol. I was watching this tutorial on AI patrol Unreal Engine 4 - AI Patrol - YouTube but unfortunately he isn’t using a behavior tree and when he sets his Ai objects target point variables at 4:37 to the target points in the world editor, my AI does not have those variables showing (or even a defaults panel at all). How can I do what he is doing with my behavior tree setup?

what you could do is save the said actor instance as a blackboard variable in the controller upon begin play, for instance. There is a blueprint node, something like “set blackboard value as actor” (or something similar). You need to hook in the function “get blackboard”.

Of course this will only work, if you set up the behaviour tree / blackboard in the controller beforehand (also on begin play).

Then you can access the actor from the blackboard in the behaviour tree.

I hope this helps.

By the way, there is an extremely good tutorial on youtube just google “coding AI in UE4”. It is a series. In some of the videos he explains exactly what I just said above.

Thanks got it!