The main issue for many 2D creators is, that they sooner or later figure out, that the whole 2D part is essentially abandoned by Epic since ages. And we are talking about years without any updates to fix essential 2D stuff like the orthographic camera.
The orthographic camera is basically broken since UE 4.0 ( Orthographic Camera Render broken 4.0.2 ), and it got never fixed.
We got even some hope for UE 5.2 because of posts like this here:
but that seemed to be cancelled again.
Don´t get me wrong, nothing of that is your or any other mods fault. But if essential 2D parts are getting ignored since 4.0 or in years, since 2014 (almost a decade), then thats not a good outlook, especially if some other parts of Epic seem to actually like 2D, proof of that is the Megagrant for PaperZD ( ).
And i guess, threads like this here wouldn´t even be necessary, if Paper2D stuff would get some updates
And again, hope you understand, that this is not against you, you are infact one of the really helpful and nice people here, it´s just, that Epic should really reconsider some fixing and updating on long broken stuff.