How should I UVW Map my static meshes so I can use ue4 materials on it properly?

I understand now how lightmaps work and that I should unwrap them properly and stuff…

However, I am confused as to what is the proper way or practice to UVW Map for the diffuse of the static mesh. I am trying to export a static meshes to 3ds max for archviz, let’s say walls. and I want to be able to use ue4 materials on them. The problem is ue4 materials tend to be really big which I think is because of the way the UVW mapping is set on my static meshes. What is the proper practice for the uvw map channel for the material/diffuse… should it be the same for lightmaps? My concern with this is since static meshes are not really similar in sizes, and light map uvs are just fitted inside the 0-1 space, the size of materials wont be consistent, say bricks. If i apply the bricks on a different sized wall, I want to have the bricks display in a similar size when I apply it to a different sized wall. Much like what would happen if i build my scene using brushes. I hope you get what i’m saying. And thanks in advance!

btw I’m using 3ds max and datasmith to import.

Static meshes can have information in them which the material can read - for example you could have the mesh’s texture density. That way one material will be the same across various surfaces. Or you could have instances of the main material with custom tiling, giving you control over individual objects. Another option is to use world position as UV(W). Lightmaps are a separate thing and their UVs shouldn’t be used in your case for anything texture-related.