Hey guys, kinda of a stupid question. I know that i can simply attach stuff to actors, but the problem is, since some objects like guns have different “grip points” (like trigger position on a gun frame), it makes a few objects look wrong. How could i overcome this problem?
For each type of weapom you will need to place it attached in the correct position, then you will need to take notes of the complete transformation stats (position, rotation & scale (not usual)) place those values in a data table and when you have to equip that type of mesh you will copy those values from the table and apply to the mesh. So, this data table will have the mesh and transform info for each type of weapon. To get this more advanced, you can have this data for when it is equipped and unequipped, if there is no entry for unequipped you just make the mesh invisible, if there is an entry you can attach it to a different part of the body, like the back or the side of the character.
Hey Nilson, thanks for taking the reply but i’m not sure that i understand fully what you mean. When you say “Place it attached in the correct position”, you mean place the Hand mesh in the weapon on the Weapon mesh in the hand? I feel like the later would be a better solution.
Thanks again for the help, really appreciated.
I didn’t mean that. When you attach a mesh (not really a weapon, but any mesh) you need to have a socket in the character bone structure. The mesh is aligned to that target socket on its pivot. Once you do this procedure in the character blueprint viewport, you align the mesh (in you case its a weapon) by rotating and moving along that socket position. There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube teaching how to do that…