How set custom path to character?

Hello. I do RTS and have one problem. When a squad goes around an obstacle, it stacks up at one point. Theoretically I know how to get around the problem. It is necessary to use eqs to check each point of the path for obstacles and set the offset for all members of the squads. But I don’t know how to change the pre-calculated path.

The way it works now

ABaseSquad class

void ABaseSquad::MoveTo(FVector Goal, FRotator Rotation)
	UHungarianHelper* Helper = NewObject<UHungarianHelper>();

	std::vector<std::vector<int>> DistMatrix;
	std::vector<int> TargetPoint;
	FString test1;
	for (int i = 0; i < Characters.Num(); i++)
		std::vector<int> Row;
		for (int j = 0; j < Indicators.Num(); j++)
	Helper->Solve(DistMatrix, TargetPoint);
	for (int i = 0; i < Characters.Num(); i++)
		Characters[i]->MoveTo(Indicators[TargetPoint[i]]->GetActorLocation(), Indicators[TargetPoint[i]]->GetActorRotation());

	Pathfinder->FindPathAndMove(Goal, nullptr, Rotation);

PathfinderComponent class

void UPathfinderComponent::FindPathAndMove(FVector Goal, AActor* GoalActor, FRotator Rotation)
	ACharacter* OwnerChar = Cast<ACharacter>(GetOwner());
	if (!IsValid(OwnerChar))

	UNavigationPath* Path;
	if (IsValid(GoalActor))
		 Path = UNavigationSystemV1::FindPathToActorSynchronously(this, OwnerChar->GetActorLocation(), GoalActor, 5, OwnerChar);;
	} else
		Path = UNavigationSystemV1::FindPathToLocationSynchronously(this, OwnerChar->GetActorLocation(), Goal, OwnerChar);;
	Path->EnableDebugDrawing(true, FColor::Black);
	if (Path && Path->IsValid())
		TArray<FNavPathPoint> Points = Path->GetPath()->GetPathPoints();

		for (int i = 1; i < Points.Num(); i++)
			DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Points[i - 1].Location, Points[i].Location, FColor::Green, true);			
		FAIMoveRequest req;
		auto Test = Path->GetPath();
		AUnitAIController* ai = OwnerChar->GetController<AUnitAIController>();
		if (ai)
			ai->RequestMove(req, Path->GetPath());

Bad Path (now work)

Good Path (that’s what I want)