How quickly can a C++ coder adapt to Blueprint?

I was rusty at C++ going into it, and it was honestly pretty fast to adjust. I don’t really have anything very technical to say on that, just that we went from having been out of the loop to building some interesting stuff both in engine and through the C++ side, most of it all happening in January. ¯\(ツ)

Since starting, it’s just been a lot and lot of learning, but more about Unreal’s oddities like their many macros and more specific interactions (like how blackboards are part of behavior trees).

Hello! I came here because I am hoping for a direct answer being I am new to UE4 and a college student in C++, I simply can’t find the answer I’m looking for via Google. I’m doing everything as instructed and starting my game development with learning smaller games such as Tetris, Breakout, Pac-Man, Super Mario Brothers, etc. and working my way up with practice. By the time I start developing the game I have designed in UE4, I will hopefully have a good knowledge of C++ to carry my through my game development. I am aware a lot of games made in this engine are made with Blueprint and advanced games (like mine) need to find a balance of C++ and BP. From someone that has experience in both, I was hoping to hear how quickly can you adapt to BP if you have a good knowledge of C++?

In my opinion I would say really really quickly, BPs are visual coding and they are designed to be used by someone with no (zero) coding experience. If you understand the flow of execution and the concepts of coding you will pick up BPs very quickly. Take a quick look at some of the video tutorials on BPs and you will see just how easy they are:

Thanks for the helpful info!

Thanks a lot for the help. I’ll hopefully be able to go through the whole video library for UE4 before I start developing, starting with Blueprints.