How meny instances can ue4 handle?

Hi I have question about number of instances that can UE4 handle. I’ve generated a planet but when my couter of total instances hits more then 30 its genereta part of a planet. Is it issue by instance restrictions???

less then 30


more then 30


The only restriction is the power of the machine running it basically.

Maybe there’s something going on in your code?

EDIT: It could also be something to do with LODding or culling?

Problem with your code here a picture of 216000 instances that I just made with collision and everything (no noticeable lag), or its a problem with Hierarchical Instances I personally don’t use them because they start to bug the hell out when you get to big numbers, try using the normal one to see if there any difference.

For Hierarchical Instances, unreal do a Classification and hide the classes that not in camera seen range. you can use this command to see how it work

so may say its unlimited for boxes
bot for a high poly model it depends on your VRam Around 3 4 million poly for 1 GB VRAM

Oh, this is actually useful thanks for the info.

Code is simple 3 loops with total int 30 and -30 at first and last index. But when I make more then 30 in editor it detects infinity loop in bluerpint actor it cuts instances from it. This is engine issuse it can not add more than certain number of instances at begin play.

Ah no, it’s your code. Sometimes you have to code in a slightly different way to avoid loop detection. Can you show the relavant part of your code?

This is 50x50 cubes:


Just a straight loop:

You should have started from an infinite loop problem, there is a limit in the engine for calls per tick around 1000000 or so. When I called for 100X100X100 cube it wrote the same thing for me, you should add the instances by chunks with a small delay between each load of a chunk or you can increase the tick limit in the engine settings file but I suggest otherwise.

It could be it, but how to delay for loop function?

You have right. This is the correct answer. Issue is solved.
Result in link bellow:

You have to change the loop to an IF statement and feed the execution line back into the graph…and run your own loop variables.

The other way is to make your own loop macro, which has a delay in it.