How Many Ways To (Show Mouse Cursor) What's Diffrent? Which One Best?

I try to many ways but my mouse not shown on MainMenu Widget, Please Help!!

1- Why there are different ways to make ( show mouse cursor) ?

2- Whats that going to help for?

3- Is there a best way than other?

4- How Many Ways To (Show Mouse Cursor) What’s Different?

A- Player Controller BP > Mouse Interface

B- Level BP

C- Character BP

D- Any more ways? Point them please.

You just have to put this code, somewhere:

Widgets and the Player Controller handle mouse cursor separately, sort of.

There are only 2 ways really:

  • Get Player ControllerShow Mouse Cursor
  • or widget cursor visibility when it’s over widgets

Each and every widget gives you very granual control over whether and what the cursor is showing:


Also have a look here for more details:

not working

To clarify, you actually do not need the controller to show the cursor to see it over a widget:

Notice how the widget & controller are handling it separately. The controller keeps it hidden unless the widget has the cursor over. I am not switching anything here:

Image from Gyazo

That’s pretty much all there is to it.

On the other hand. there’s also another the concept of using a widget as the cursor but that’s another story whatsoever.

not working too

You will need to explain what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, the setup and your expectations. In detail, please. With images. Otherwise we can spend a day or two walking in circles.

I did that in level BP

not working too

The widget will need at least 1 visible element. Also, the root of the widget cannot be set to Not Hit-Testable (Self & All Children)

Can you show the widget?

I’m doin this video : Unreal Engine 4 Steam Multiplayer Tutorial (Blueprint): Hosting and Joining Games - YouTube

You have to tick the box ( show mouse )

I did both on click or without click, its not working too

I did that for CANVAS PANEL, I attach image bellow…

You have to tick the box ( show mouse

Not for the cursor over a widget, you don’t :wink: But it’s confusing as heck if you don’t, though.

Expansive topic, apparently…

This is for multiplayer apparently so someone would need to go through that 1h long tutorial and figure out what’s happening to the GameMode and / or Controllers there…

I’m going to tap out on that.

Play by stand alone:

the mouse will not show, if I press WIN button in keyboard I can see the mouse , but when I click on stand alone play window the mouse gone.

Play from D:\Unreal Engine\ProjectName\ProjectName.uproject
its not working at all

tap out on that!!, like you going to do it or you going to wait for someone to do it and tap out on that?

until now no one answer me whats different, BTW, the BP will work only if its under character BP, if you going to use the BP node of mouse cursor under you map BP it will not work at all

but why there is to many ways? whats different between those ways, no one answer me yet