hi if anyone can help in this problem and make this AI i will very thankful i need help for this AI
if anyone cant say code c++ of this you can help me with blueprint
What have you done so far, and what’s the exact part that doesn’t work?
im for now make a Ai with abilty to chase obj.player but i cant make him to alart to other enemy i really dont know how i can make enemy to want help of other enemy becuase this is very important to make a nice Ai If you help me, I really thank you
I mean what have you tried to do, to make him alert the other enemy?
yeah of course because this is very useful in game
What things have you tried to do so far, and at what point in your progress did you have an obstacle?
i work on Ai powerful Let me explain more this to you:
i want make a Ai like last of us if you see last of us before enemy can :
-Cover each other
-and alart other enemy
-and of course can hear shot sounds
but i just want to make number 2 if you really dont know how to write c++ you can help me
with blueprint but blueprint make game slower and its a big problem anyone dont want this and because of this i really dont want to use it but if you know just blueprint dont worry about this tell me if
you can help me with c++ or have you Any solution even idea can help us let me know i have hope this information
can is useful for you
thank you
It sounds like you have bot done anything yet. Do you know the basics of AI in Unreal like Behavior Trees.
To alert another Controller or Pawn you simply have one of them set a variable on the other so it has the same target - the player. And whenever it has a target it tries to kill it. Youdo t even really need AI special systems to do that. And then they just use Navmesh to find their way like any other AI character with moveTo etc.
Are you planning on having large numbers of enemies? If not the blueprints are fast enough.
What you said sounds really vague, sir. Can you elaborate more on how you would like to alert? By phone calling other enemies? By yelling? By following-up when an enemy sees that another enemy is chasing the player? Please specify.
Agreed with others, pretty vague. Consider prototyping / programming in BP and then you can move your Tasks to C++ if performance does not meet your requirements.
There are a few ways of doing this. If your game is AI heavy then I’d suggest using a combination of Behaviour Trees (because they are awesome), and probably the AI Perception and Sense system (this is a decent introduction: UE4 - AI Perception: Senses and stimuli source - Isara Tech.). You will need a reasonably level of C++ knowledge and quite a bit of patience for this though as it’s not that well documented yet. You can have one AI alert another by making a custom ‘alert’ sense, or you could do something like the more straight forward method below.
If your game is light on AI, then you could just have all AI broadcast and listen for events (Multi-cast Delegates | Unreal Engine Documentation) The event could pass around the AI which wants to send the alert, and all AI which receive it can then interrogate it to find location etc and determine if should also go into alert.
In either case, satisfying AI can take a while to make, so start simple and build up. Make sure it’s always easy to make changes because you’ll be making a lot of them as your game progresses!
i working really hard on c++ dosent matter what other says i know maybe you think blueprint is batter than programing with c++ but must pupular game in world build with this language now whatever you want or not for making awesome game you must work with blueprint and c++ with together i have hope you understand if anyone cant any help dont comment spam