This is a wide sorta question (more than one topic really) but I’m struggling a bit knowing what to do when creating C++ classes and what can access what in the classes like say I created a trigger volume… if I wanted that to do something every time a pawn steps into it would I create the code in the folder about the pawn or create a separate C++ class? Is there any special sort of way to access different parts of classes -(I don’t mean access modifiers)- ?I’ve done an Udemy course which I fully understood but Id like to know how it all works like what can do what in the engine and what has the ability to access classes or can everything access everything as long as they are friend classes or the access bits are public (or is this bad practice with loads of include files)? And how is a whole game with so many thins linking created and how to keep it organized?.. I don’t want to make a small game then found ive done it all wrong… I’ve tried to find some YouTube videos but I couldn’t find any. I was just hoping for an in depth explanation of how it all works or any links to videos
--also soz if this is a dumb question and or a very long one to answer–
Hello! You never know the best way before trying one of them, so if you have implemented things with basic approach, then next upgrades or just refactoring move you to more pretty solution