How I would modify postprocess settings via blueprint?

I’m having trouble identifying how I would modify postprocess settings via blueprint; there is the ability to make post process settings, and break them via PostProcessSettings, but I am missing the ability to set, modify, or call the settings from blueprint.

What’s the scenario? In most cases you could use a post process volume with all the settings in it, and maybe toggle those in the level blueprint in extreme cases.

Ok, finally behind my computer. There is a Make Post Process and a Break Post Process, which means there should be some way to hooking it up to something. However, I currently have no idea how that is done… :frowning:

The idea was to enable post process fringe intensity when sprinting, and revert to a normal setting when sprint is on cool down. If I do a post process volume, it’ll affect all players within the volume, rather than just the individual.

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