How i can fix "Verification error" when I try to load a session from my map

I don’t know why I get that error, if yesterday everything was working fine, I tried restarting my PC and checking fortnite again and it still doesn’t work, I need a little help

LogValkyrie: Display: Successfully opened project ‘C:/Users/shoul/Documents/Fortnite Projects/A1V1CARDS/A1V1CARDS.uefnproject’ (took 23.14 sec)
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for 5337006b-4f09-a567-2fea-7695e09fc7db: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrie: Display: UValkyrieProjectSize::RequestProjectLimits received: PublishingMemorySize=225000000 PublishingDownloadSize=419430400 ProjectUploadSize=2147483648 FileCount=4096 IndividualFileSizeKb=5242880
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectUploadSize for 5337006b-4f09-a567-2fea-7695e09fc7db
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for 5337006b-4f09-a567-2fea-7695e09fc7db
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectCookedSize for 5337006b-4f09-a567-2fea-7695e09fc7db
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Selecting allow lists for role ‘VKCreateUGCEpicDeveloper’
LogValkyrie: Gathering intermediate assets to delete took 0.0 seconds
LogValkyrie: Intermediate assets cleanup took 0.0 seconds in total
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - Content Service
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project A1V1CARDS
LogValkyrie: Syncing project A1V1CARDS with content service took 0.73 sec
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetDependencyDownloadSizes for 5337006b-4f09-a567-2fea-7695e09fc7db
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Completed for 5337006b-4f09-a567-2fea-7695e09fc7db
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Selecting allow lists for role ‘VKCreateUGC’
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: Failed to find public assets [Failed to read C:/Users/shoul/Documents/Fortnite Projects/A1V1CARDS/Plugins/A1V1CARDS/Content/ExternalActors/A1V1CARDS/8/G6/8CMU7Y6IJAC7U077JHMJOA.uasset]
LogValkyrieSummary: Project A1V1CARDS failed to update
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: None → Fail Activity: A1V1CARDS - Error de validación del proyecto
LogValkyrie: Unable to play: Error de verificación
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: UploadProjects - Se han producido errores en todas las subidas
LogValkyrie: Gathering intermediate assets to delete took 0.0 seconds
LogValkyrie: Intermediate assets cleanup took 0.0 seconds in total
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - Content Service
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project A1V1CARDS
LogValkyrie: Syncing project A1V1CARDS with content service took 1.78 sec
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: Failed to find public assets [Failed to read C:/Users/shoul/Documents/Fortnite Projects/A1V1CARDS/Plugins/A1V1CARDS/Content/ExternalActors/A1V1CARDS/8/G6/8CMU7Y6IJAC7U077JHMJOA.uasset]
LogValkyrieSummary: Project A1V1CARDS failed to update
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: None → Fail Activity: A1V1CARDS - Error de validación del proyecto
LogValkyrie: Unable to play: Error de verificación
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: UploadProjects - Se han producido errores en todas las subidas
LogValkyrie: Gathering intermediate assets to delete took 0.0 seconds
LogValkyrie: Intermediate assets cleanup took 0.0 seconds in total
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - Content Service
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project A1V1CARDS
LogValkyrie: Syncing project A1V1CARDS with content service took 1.08 sec
LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: Failed to find public assets [Failed to read C:/Users/shoul/Documents/Fortnite Projects/A1V1CARDS/Plugins/A1V1CARDS/Content/ExternalActors/A1V1CARDS/8/G6/8CMU7Y6IJAC7U077JHMJOA.uasset]
LogValkyrieSummary: Project A1V1CARDS failed to update
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: None → Fail Activity: A1V1CARDS - Error de validación del proyecto
LogValkyrie: Unable to play: Error de verificación
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: UploadProjects - Se han producido errores en todas las subidas

@ShoulJavi Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form