How i can display bot eye on comp monitor

Hi all! How i can display bot eye on comp monitor. By default only left eye displayed when game already started. i need to get some sreenshots…

In GameEngine.ini add (or set)


To strech one eye to wide screen window you need to edit engine sources. I’ve seen actually a branch with a required changes on github.

I searched this options in project settings, but it was all for nothing. I completely forgot about *ini files
Thanks a lot!

Ok, just for the record, here are required source code changes for wide-screen mode.


void FSteamVRHMD::RenderTexture_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FTexture2DRHIParamRef BackBuffer, FTexture2DRHIParamRef SrcTexture) const
		else if (WindowMirrorMode == 3)							// wide-screen stretched frame
				0, 0,								// X, Y
				ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight,					// SizeX, SizeY
				0.01f, 0.28f,							// U, V
				0.44f, 0.44f,							// SizeU, SizeV
				FIntPoint(ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight),
				FIntPoint(1, 1),

Have you tried the console command “HighResShot” ? This will give a proper screenshot without the black and half screen vr shots that the normal screenshot button takes with VR.

i tried, but if WindowMirrorMode=1. It make screenshot only for left eye - it was the main problem