My Question: 500MS Round Trip or 1-sided?
IE Is 500MS 1 second or .5 seconds?
It seems that the Listen Server != The “Server Client” and thus can never actually have Packet Lag. The Client on said Host Machine can. So effectively in this scenario I have 2 Clients and a Server even though one of the Clients is hosting the Server process.
Command: 500MS of Packet Lag
In a 2 person matrix in which 0 - 2 of the players run the command: (Server = S, Client = C, True = T, F = False)
S = F, C = F - Zero lag. Everything is “instant”.
S = T, C = F - Client isn’t lagging at all. Server Client even shows the Client’s movement instantly. Server Client doesn’t lag on his/her machine but is shown to be lagging on the Client’s machine.
S = F, C = T - Server Client isn’t lagging at all. Client even shows the Server Client’s movement instantly. Client doesn’t lag on his/her machine but is shown to be lagging on the Server Client’s machine.
S = T, C = T - Both lag on the other’s screens. Neither lag on their own screens.