How does FString::Split work?

I’m trying to split my string where ever there is a space " ". The string is of float numbers containing an X, Y, Z that I’m going to load into an FVector.

	FString vrtxXYZString = "This is a Test";
	FString vrtxSpaces = " ";
	FString vrtxAString;
	FString vrtxBString;

vrtxXYZString.Split(vrtxSpaces, vrtxAString, vrtxBString, ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromStart);

Intellisense is telling me that there is no suitable conversion from FString to FString for the “vrtxAString” and “vrtxBString” Fstrings. I was under the impression that those two strings are the left out and right out of the split.

Nevermind, I forgot to put the Address of Operator in front of them.