Now, the simple answer you might be inclined to suggest is:
UE4Editor MyProject.uproject -Game -ExecCmds="Automation RunTests MyTest" -log=Log.txt
However, the reason I ask this question is because this command patently (despite being the answer given in numerous places) Does Not Work.
Here are the things it does:
- Launch the game
Here are the things it does not do:
- Run ‘MyTestName’
- Log output to
(See, I know it should write a log file to Saved/Logs/
but tangibly it does not).
You can certainly run this to execute the test in editor mode and see the output log in the editor:
UE4Editor MyProject.uproject -ExecCmds="Automation RunTests MyTestName"
(notice the absence of the -Game
flag, which causes the editor to open, rather than game mode to open).
You can also run:
UE4Editor MyProject.uproject -Game -ExecCmds="Automation RunTests MyTestName" -log
Which pops up the log window and shows commands being run…
…and sits there, on the log message:
[2016.02.11-15.59.15:599][ 0]LogLoad: Full Startup: 5.23 seconds (BP compile: 0.01 seconds)
[2016.02.11-15.59.15:671][ 2]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1280x720 (Frame:2).
[2016.02.11-15.59.20:653][259]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0004 seconds to start up
Where is my automation test?
Obviously in the ideal world I wouldn’t have to do this at all, but as per Hot-reload does not re-compile Automation Tests - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums, tests aren’t hot reloaded, so they’re impossible to use without closing and opening the editor.
Overall: LAME! This automation stuff seems really rubbish compared to GitHub - google/googletest: GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
Has anyone actually managed to get this working?
How do you:
Run tests
Get the results
Write new tests and repeat (1) and (2) without manually closing and reopening the editor.