How Do You Pronounce Index'th

One struggles a wee bit.


Epic uses the term Index’th in its comments, specifically regarding USelection in Selection.h

	 * @return	The Index'th selected objects.  May be NULL.
	UObject* GetSelectedObject(const int32 InIndex)
		return (SelectedObjects.IsValidIndex(InIndex) && SelectedObjects[InIndex].IsValid() ? SelectedObjects[InIndex].Get() : nullptr);

	 * @return	The Index'th selected objects.  May be NULL.
	const UObject* GetSelectedObject(const int32 InIndex) const
		return (SelectedObjects.IsValidIndex(InIndex) && SelectedObjects[InIndex].IsValid() ? SelectedObjects[InIndex].Get() : nullptr);

How does one pronounce Index’th?


enPR: ĕnth

IPA(key): ɛnθ

Like that

Or like this, if you like cat-girls