How do you make vector styled wireframe materials?

Is it possible to have vector based wireframe materials? Similar to Battlezone? If so how would I create the material? Can someone provide a tutorial? I know how to do a standard wireframe but its not bright enough and it sort of fades out when walking. Plus it shows all the edge lines going through the models. Not just a clean outline like in Battezone or StarWars arcade.

Battlezone’s renderer was written from scratch to draw vectors as lines directly to the screen (likely using a line algorithm similar to Bresenham’s Line Algorithm). You’d have to do something similar in order to manipulate the pixels on the screen to get pixel perfect lines like Battlezone.

An alternative to drawing pixels directly to the output buffer is to approximate this type of rasterization by rendering at low resolution then upscaling. Check this Q/A, then use a render the world through the main camera at a low resolution. Not sure of the viability of this looking exactly how you want, it will require a lot of tweaking + trial and error to get right.

Hey thanks.Thats too bad though.I was hoping to make a simple retro game in that style.Guess it’s harder to make that type of shader than I thought.Maybe I’ll just put together some neon tron line materials instead. Even though they aren’t see through like I wanted.