So I have a c++ defined class: AThingActor
which is a child of AActor
This AThingActor
has the custom FString property foo
I have created a blueprint child of AThingActor
called ABlueprintThing
I want to tell the user all of the blueprint assets I have in my project that inherit from AThing
, and to do so I want to tell them the property foo
of each asset.
class API AThingActor : public AActor
FString foo;
Here in this section I’m getting the derived classes of AThingActor
, which will give me the names of all blueprints that inherit from it, so it should give me the name of the class of ABlueprintThing
. (I’m not really sure what derived classes are or how they’re found as they seem significantly different to subclasses.)
After getting those I get all the UBlueprint
assets in my project as ABlueprintThing
is a blueprint.
Then I compare the generated class of the blueprint assets to the derived classes to determine which asset is ABlueprintThing
Once I’ve found the asset that is ABlueprintThing
, I want to find out the value of foo
of that asset.
FAssetRegistryModule& asset_registry_module = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry");
// Get all of the subclasses (including blueprint generated) of AThingActor.
TSet<FName> subclass_names;
FName thing_class_name = AThingActor::StaticClass()->GetFName();
TArray<FName> base_class_names{thing_class_name};
TSet<FName> excluded_class_names;
asset_registry_module.Get().GetDerivedClassNames(base_class_names, excluded_class_names, subclass_names);
// Get all blueprints assets .
FARFilter filter;
filter.bRecursivePaths = true;
TArray<FAssetData> thing_data;
asset_registry_module.Get().GetAssets(filter, thing_data);
for (const auto& asset : thing_data) {
// Compare generated assets classes with the found derived classes.
FString generated_class_path_ptr = asset.TagsAndValues.FindRef(TEXT("GeneratedClass"));
if (!generated_class_path_ptr.IsEmpty()) {
const FString class_object_path= FPackageName::ExportTextPathToObjectPath(*generated_class_path_ptr);
const FString class_name= FPackageName::ObjectPathToObjectName(class_object_path);
if (subclass_names.Contains(*class_name)) {
UBlueprint* thing_blueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>(asset.GetAsset());
if (thing_blueprint) {
// Get the foo property.
Finding out foo
is where I get stuck. I can get the default object, by getting the static class of the generated class of the asset, but that has no properties associated. I can’t cast thing_blueprint
to AThingActor
or a subclass of it, as it’s a UBlueprint
, and is unrelated to AThingActor
Is there any way to find the value of foo