How do you get a custom mesh to self shadow and cast shadow?

#Code For You

Try settings like these.

I use this for all my custom components.

Just put the function in your .h and run it in your constructor for your custom component

FORCEINLINE void SetupSMComponentsWithCollision(UStaticMeshComponent* Comp)
	if(!Comp) return;
	Comp->bOwnerNoSee = false;
	Comp->bCastDynamicShadow = true;
	Comp->CastShadow = true;
	Comp->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldStatic, ECR_Block);
	Comp->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldDynamic, ECR_Block);
	Comp->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_Pawn, ECR_Block);

I have a custom mesh class based on the Procedural Mesh Generation

tutorial on the wiki.

I can’t figure out how to get the GeneratedMeshComponent from the Procedural Mesh Generation tutorial to cast and self shadow.

This doesn’t work for me.
Can you confirm it works with the Procedural Mesh Generation tutorial?

It will receive a shadow but won’t cast one.

I got my own procedural meshes to cast shadows just fine!

#Picture for Reference


Did you set your component to be MOVABLE ??!!

#Set Root Component

Did you set it to be the root component of your Actor that has this component?

#More Code For You

AVictoryWallCanvas3D::AVictoryWallCanvas3D(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)
	//New Root Component!
	VMesh = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject < UVictoryMeshComponent > (this, TEXT("VictoryMesh"));
	RootComponent = VMesh;
	//Component Setup
	VMesh->CastShadow = true;
	VMesh->bCastDynamicShadow = true;
	//Just in cases


PS: if this resolves your issue please check mark my post so Epic knows the issue is solved

There has got to be something else I am missing .
I have started all over using the Procedural Mesh Generation tutorial and added the code you suggested with no luck at getting it to cast a shadow.

Receive shadows works and collision works but not casting a shadow.

Finally figured it out.
Turns out it was the CalcBounds function.
It was setup like so

FBoxSphereBounds UGeneratedMeshComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform & LocalToWorld) const
	FBoxSphereBounds NewBounds;
	NewBounds.Origin = FVector::ZeroVector;
	NewBounds.SphereRadius = FMath::Sqrt(3.0f * FMath::Square(HALF_WORLD_MAX));
	return NewBounds;

That turns out to be a very large bounding box and my guess is the shadow rendering code ignores it as if it’s not in the shadow render pass.

To fix it I changed it to represent a more accurate bounding box based on the actual geometry.