How do you create a relative offset transform that takes the original's rotation into account (blueprint)?

I’m trying to create a blueprint that takes an existing transform and creates a new transform offset by a set amount relative to the original. I know I can get this working with a custom C++ function and some math but I’d be shocked if this sort of functionality wasn’t already in existing blueprint node(s) and I’d rather use the pre-made functions, if possible.
Here’s a simplified visual representation of what I’m trying to do (it’s 2D for simplicity but I need the blueprint to work in 3D):

Here is the blueprint I currently have. I’m not expecting it to work as desired like this but this is the closest I’ve been able to get:

I’ve spent the past few hours banging my head against this problem, searching the internet, and trying different things but nothing has worked. Does Unreal have any sort of node/function/whatever to help with this sort of thing? (If so, blueprint screenshots are always appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:)
Thank you!


That works perfectly! I knew there had to be a simple solution, I just couldn’t find it myself. Thank you!

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