How do you concatenate 2 sounds without delay

I can’t find a solution to this anywhere but I’m trying to basically stitch 2 audio files together. Reason why is I have an intro bgm sound and looping bgm sound and I need the intro to play first, then as soon as it’s over the looping sound plays. The concatenator in the sound cue has a short delay when playing the next sound.

As far as I know, when you play an audio file, unreal engine has to load the entire file before playing it, it doesn’t load it in the sound cue directly when the sound cue starts (only right before the actual audio file starts). That’s why you have this delay; that particular sound file is loading. Therefore, the only solution is to load both of the files at the same time, and play the looping sound exactly when you need it.

I found this post that should hopefully be helpful:

I’ve tried the solution in this post but as stated there it isn’t perfect, I can still hear the transition.

Okay try this:

  1. Look at the length of your intro audio file
  2. Play both audio files at the same time, but set the looping one to a super soft volume (.01)
  3. Use a delay with the exact audio intro length
  4. Start the looping audio file from the beginning again and change its volume to 1
  5. Stop the intro audio file

So you separated your sound into the two sound files, then called the delay node based on percent playback to get the second sound file and it didn’t work?

Just clarifying because if you just use the sound cue you created you will still get the same problem as before.

Yeah I’ve done that, still it isn’t sample accurate.

Okay I’m so sorry then… I am also at a loss here :frowning:

Ok I’ve tried this but the looping audio file fires too early even with the exact delay of the intro file. I’ve tried adding a little extra time to the delay somewhere around 0.167 seconds but you can still hear the transition. I don’t think this has to do with the sound being loaded but because it can only execute these nodes 60 times a second (games framerate).


delay node should work, maybe your sound waves not designed well

My sound waves stitch seamlessly in audacity so it’s not those that are the problem, I’m pretty sure its because the delay node is stuck with intervals of 1/60 seconds due to the framerate. So the sound node going to fire a little early or a little late.

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bump bump bump

bumper bump

bump again

Bump, also with the release of 4.26 and quartz, there might be a proper solution but I don’t know how to go about doing it.


didn’t try it myself but the things he has to do for his music stitcher sound like they would also solve your problem

I’ve downloaded the project files for this and tried it but it’s still not perfect.

I’m on the same issue.

Instead of delay I’m using Concatenator in a SoundCue. There’s a HUGE seam.

Of course, my audio files are perfectly seamless (thay are cuts 1 and 2 of the same file) and “Prime on load” is checked for de SoundCue.

What I’m tryng to do: I have an audio file for a RC plane. First5-6 recording secs is the engine starting up, then it keeps stable for a minute.

SO I split that recording to two different files “engine start.wav” and “engine loop.wav” and create a SoundCue that plays the start once and the concatenates to the loop (looping).

So easy, but it’s not working. Huge sound stop at the concatenation.

So, Bump!
