STAT FPS doesn’t work anymore in 4.19
Works for me (4.19.2 Launcher version).
It won’t show in the VR preview window and in the headset it is in the very top right corner of the screen which is impossible to see in the Vive.
You should rather use this: SteamVR/Frame Timing - Valve Developer Community
Thanks but after having a read through it I can’t make head or tails of it. There is graph that goes up to 14 on the side and the 1st line that tries to expain it says this
"The blue sections are time spent by the application; these are further split between ‘scene’ and ‘other’. The ‘scene’ portion is the amount of work performed between when WaitGetPoses returns, and the second eye texture is Submitted "
If someone can figure a way for me to be able to see the fps in VR preview I will be happy with that.
The numbers on the vertical axis are milliseconds (ms). To go from ms to FPS just calculate FPS=1000/ms. Viceversa, to go from FPS to ms just calculate 1000/FPS.
The curves you see are stacked and they add up to 11.11ms which means FPS=1000/11.11=90. So 11.11 ms correspond to 90 FPS. If the time goes up, the FPS go down. If you see 22.22ms you are at 45 FPS.
In the sample chart you see a lot of IDLE time to go to 11.11ms, which means the application shown there has a lot of head-room available in case it needs to do more stuff.
Thanks that makes much more sense than what is in that link. Pity they don’t have you to write it