How do I Write and Include Just a Header File With Some Defines and Structs

Dear Friends At Epic,

I have a core class that is a Uobject that has all my defines and USTRUCTS in it that need to be used project-wide

I want to add more #defines and more USTUCTS to this 1 core class via a .h header file containing its own set of #defines and USTRUCTs

This is just for organization

Currently the only method I know is to make my core UOBJECT class extend other super classes that have the other specific #defines and USTRUCTS

Is there a way to just include a .h file that has no corresponding .cpp?

what I’ve tried

I tried just creating a MoreDefinitions.h and adding the MoreDefinitions.generated at the top and including it in my core UOBJECT class

but I get the compile error that the MoreDefinitions.generated could not be found



Rama, is your file in the Classes folder, or in Private?

I think we’ve found that anything in Classes expects a special MoreDefinitions.h like that, so you have to put such header files in Private in order to get around that restriction.

Hey that was brilliant!

When I put the .h file in the Public folder it worked!

Thanks Neil and Mothership!


I think it should be in Private … but glad it worked all the same :slight_smile:

It did not work in Private, said the file could not be found.

You’re almost right, just get rid of MoreDefinitions.generated.

In your UObject header, make sure you do:

#include "MoreDefinitions.h"


#include "YourUObject.generated.h"

And that should work. I’m doing this! :slight_smile:

Example of how it may look:

// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "MoreDefinitions.h"

#include "YourUObject.generated.h"


when I tried to compile without the .generated, I got a compile error saying it was looking for a .generated

Again the structure was


#pragma once


then the core object class:


#pragma once

#include "MoreDefinitions.h"
#include "CoreObjectClass.generated.h"

the compile error was for MoreDefinitions.h saying it wanted a .generated :slight_smile:


What are the entire contents of your MoreDefinitions.h header file?

Are you using the UCLASS macro (or any other macro) in it?

I just tried this, for example, and this compiled for me:

// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once


#include "Tile.generated.h"

(where “Tile” is the name of my UObject derived class). Obviously is a standard header - but this works!

private is only for .cpp files all .h files is on public folder