How do I use smart nav links?

I’ve looked everywhere online, but I’ve found almost no information on getting smart links to activate the onSmartLinkReached event when an AI controlled pawn begins to use the link. Basically, the way I have it set up at the moment is that I have the NavLinkProxy in my level, have “Smart Link Is Relevant” checked and have an OnSmartLinkReached event for the NavLinkProxy in my level blueprint. The “AI” which is just using a “simple move to” walks up to the NavLink then… nothing. Event doesn’t fire, I’ve got no idea. Isn’t this functionality the whole point of smart links? I can only find minimal documentation.

Hey, I ended up getting an answer to this on Reddit, so I thought I’d post here in case other people were experiencing the same thing. Smart links use different start and end points than the simple link, so if you want to use smart link functionality you need to manually set the ‘link relative start’ and ‘link relative end’ values to be the same as the values from the places point link elements in the ‘simple link’ component.