How do I use function pointers with arguments?

I’m trying to create a map of function pointers that I can use to execute functions with FString commands.

I am stuck with an error I don’t understand: “[C2064] term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments”
I have declared the function I add to the map taking in a struct as the only argument so I don’t know why it thinks it takes more or less than 1 argument.


	typedef void (UUserInterfaceGadget::*FunctionPtrType)(FUserInterfaceEvent);
	TMap<FString, FunctionPtrType> UserInterfaceFunctionsMap;

	void InitFunctions();
	void SendEvent(FUserInterfaceEvent Event);
	virtual void SelectGod(FUserInterfaceEvent Event);


void UUserInterfaceGadget::InitFunctions()
	UserInterfaceFunctionsMap.Add("SelectGod", &UUserInterfaceGadget::SelectGod);
	FUserInterfaceEvent e = FUserInterfaceEvent();
	e.Name = "SelectGod";

void UUserInterfaceGadget::SendEvent(FUserInterfaceEvent Event)

void UUserInterfaceGadget::SelectGod(FUserInterfaceEvent Event)
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 50, FColor::Black, Name);

TMap::Find returns a pointer, the correct syntax is

 void UUserInterfaceGadget::SendEvent(FUserInterfaceEvent Event)

Thanks! Compiles.