How do i use a TextureRenderTarget2DArray ?

Hi !

So I have been looking for a way to use UTextureRenderTarget2DArray, to be able to have a larger scale TextureRenderRarget for my terrain.

Ive been searching for any examples, or source code to see how, but found only one single usage of UTextureRenderTarget2DArray it in the source code, and there’s a node to create the object:

Does anyone knows how or if its possible to draw onto a TextureRenderTarget2DArray?
I doubt its even possible to draw to the slices out of the box? (UE 5).

Any help would be great!

I have the same problem. How do you use it?
Hope your help :sob:

I haven’t found it out yet. That’s why i ask @HandsomeCheese

Have you had any luck with this since?