How do I tackle a big impossible project by one dev like me?

Man! Where to start, where to start? The game I am going for doesn’t have to be that big? I want to make a Christian game with cassette tape mechanics. Like an online Muiltiyplayer co-up Prince of Persia. With rewinding powers.

The main purpose is I want to big a game dev portfolio to enjoy with me and my friends on know.

The one word the describes me is being a: Completionist

The truth is I never complete my personal work? Does only my school work? Using the one word (Completionist)
reminds me to do your best to keep tackling until completion.

I want to impress my audience that there are Christian games out there? Christian or not. I really want to go to the matrix of my own made-up world. And share this matrix with buddies I know? What should I do?

Game dev experience? Have you already made something like Invaders or even Pong?

Assets: do you have a strategy to get them? Are you going to create them? Experience?

How big of a game? You mention “online Muiltiyplayer co-up Prince of Persia”. What’s your deadline?

Start by creating some sort of a game design document so you can get the scope of the work ahead.

Yes, I am halfway there with the GDD. After I posted this… I figured out that anyone can tackle large projects. By chopping the game into smaller bite-size pieces. Which I am able to do. Right now I am trying to find out how to code music or dialog without a tape asset or widget. By playing, stop, and reverse for now.

I got the play music dialog going? But the build-in input like space, won’t start the music track? I switched nodes to play it from the beginning. It works. But the music player won’t stop the music track?

Right now I just looked at my previous notes. I will bring an update to see what happened. :slight_smile:
I believe 75% I have it figured out about tackling large projects. I even feel like now working on my game, even if I don’t feel like it? And break everything into smaller bite-sizes like add bricks to my wall. Metaphorically speaking.

The other 25% is Maybe I don’t have it figured out yet?

Dear valued Unreal Engine user,

What can be useful when starting out, is to start very small and focus on getting the less creative bits out of the way first, with all of the pieces in place. Do not try to develop a specific game, instead aim to get everything set up end-to-end, so you whatever you create is downloadable and playable by a small target audience, from the beginning.

The brick analogy is good, however, it is easy to get bogged down in the detail of one specific brick (being delayed by a specific coding task or asset design) or develop bricks that do not fit (have to recode for multiplayer). Sometimes it can be useful to first create a house out of cardboard that people can actually visit, then gradually turn it into a palace of stone.

For example, if you are intending to create a multiplayer game, then the first place you may start is creating a simple scene that multiple players can join on different computers across the internet. Once you have that, then add in the game mechanics/design. If you add in the multiplayer later, it can be difficult to redesign mechanics to work with multiple players. Also if a specific mechanic becomes too difficult to code, you can always drop back a step and redesign.

Start with the most generic design then specialize the design.

For example:

1. Deploy a test project. [Generic]

You can simply start by deploying an Unreal example project for your target audience (e.g. friends and family). They can then download that via the distribution method of your choice and you can move on to creating a prototype.

2. Create and deploy an empty multiplayer prototype. [Generic]

Create an empty world prototype that you and your target audience can and move around in. Test it to make sure the connection works.

3. Create and deploy a simple multiplayer prototype. [Specialized]

Use free marketplace assets and block out a level using the BSP brushes and do not focus on the detail. There is an example project that shows how Sun Temple was created first using grey BSP brushes, then filling in the detail over time, in the Content Examples project.

4. Iterate on your design, mechanics, levels and assets. [Specialized]

Once you have a simple blocked out prototype, your process is then simply to iterate on your prototype and deploy it. The changes will then be available to your target audience for testing and you can receive feedback.

Thank you for your continued support,

Cool! Got it! :slight_smile: Right now I made a tape player for this project. Am I trying to figure out how rewinding the tape player will work? So I have made an illusion that the tape rewinds back to the beginning. Having a rewind in reverse sound, for now. So now I got that out of the way.

Now I am figuring out how I can link the audio clip from the Media Player duration slider. Maybe it can rewind only with a duration slider? For sure? Right? Not all the time I can make an illusion to trick the eye or ears of the player?

I am gradually admitting that a dev like can’t make every feature I have imagined can flourish? I mean will there ever be a feature where online players can create costume tapes and throw someplace at the ground… Or have a cassette tape social media UE game platform? Like Facebook, or Twitter but Cassette tape oriented? Like rating, the Tapes, Commenting, critiquing, sharing, recording, uploading, and download tapes.

So right now I got the rewind tape feature out of the way. Now it’s tackling a feature where I can link my Media player duration to a slider. After that… Maybe I can move the positions of the slider and go backward right? What do you think?