How do I switch levels in multiplayer individually for each player?

Hello! I am quite new to Unreal Engine, so apologies for my brevity.

I am currently trying to make a MMO-esque game but in a smaller scale. Essentially, what I want to do is for each player to be able to freely teleport to another level in the game. This is done through a map interface with different locations they can click on to teleport. Only the player themselves would be teleported, and not anyone else.
Then, later on, if another player chooses to teleport to the same level, they would be able to teleport to the same level as the previous player, and be able to see and interact with them.

Not sure if I am misunderstanding something, but after scouring the internet for my issue, I’ve only found people using ServerTravel or sessions, which from what I understand is clients joining a server, then the server owner would teleport all clients to that specified level. What I want is to teleport one player to a level, then others are still able to join the same level at a later time.

I plan to implement my multiplayer system in my game by having players create servers through an online subsystem, then others can join their server.

I have a couple years of experience with developing in Unity and OpenGL, so I am familiar with C++ code. However, if there is a way to do this in purely blueprints, it’ll be much preferred as this is a school project that I am taking over from a previous team, and the previous team used blueprints for the all of their functionality. I am not too familiar with how C++ works in Unreal Engine as well.

Many thanks in advance!


You can try and use APlayerController::ClientTravel.

  1. How many players per server instance?
  2. How big are each of the maps (KM^2)?

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