How do I swap between Character & Vehicle?

I’m wanting to be able to swap between my character that walks/sprints and “turn into” a car with driving mechanics. And then after driving a distance, convert back to my walking character. I’m pretty new to Unreal so I’ve just been googling and YouTubing but I’m not sure what to look or search for. Most videos are just showing me how to cast into a car but I don’t want a car in my level but swap my first person character to third person car gameplay. If anyone can help guide me to the right place, it’d be much appreciated :pray:

This post along with the screenshots under the same topic for visualization might help :blush:

And since your two characters will have different mechanics, you should also create a new input mapping context and assign it on possession in each character’s own character blueprint like this:

Hope these help! :innocent:

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TBD on if it will work. I’m so new to the program that I honestly don’t know where to put these nodes. I’m struggling to understand where and how the skeletal meshes, pawns, classes, characters, and blueprints all fit together. If you have any resources that could help me gain just basic understanding, that’d be great. For now it seems like I just need to figure out how these pieces function with each other.
Thank you for your help!

Not much related to your objective, but here’s a very basic course since you’re seemed interested.

About where to put which blueprint code, you should handle the character switching mechanic inside the level blueprint, which you can open like this:

And after you create a new input mapping context (which you can do by right clicking on an empty space on the content browser, hovering on the Input section on the menu that pops up, and clicking on the Input Mapping Context under the sub-menu), you can assign the two characters’s input mapping contexts respectively as shown above, in their character blueprints.

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